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7 Fleet Improvement Action Items to Add to Your New Year’s Resolution List

Mechanic getting tools | Wiers Fleet Partners

December 28, 2017


As another year quickly comes to a close, we are most likely spending time reflecting on the past 365 days as well as developing a plan for the next. While every trucking operation is unique and what you’ve done well or need to improve next year will vary, we’ve put together a list of fleet […]

As another year quickly comes to a close, we are most likely spending time reflecting on the past 365 days as well as developing a plan for the next. While every trucking operation is unique and what you’ve done well or need to improve next year will vary, we’ve put together a list of fleet improvements that you may (or may not) want to add to your New Year’s Resolution for 2018.

Get ready for a prosperous 2018 with Wiers Fleet Partners. We’ve got five decades of experience under our belt and a team of quality obsessed-technicians ready to keep your fleet operations running at its best all year long!

Check out 7 fleet improvements that can make 2018 a great year!

  1. Plan ahead for fleet expansion. Whether you added trucks to your fleet this year or plan to next year, be sure to plan ahead. IRS Tax Code Section 179 allows businesses, in many cases, to deduce 100 percent of equipment purchases. Understanding where your business’s tax implications are for this year will help you determine the best plan of action if you are planning to add to your fleet.
  2. Implement a preventive maintenance schedule. Prevention saves money; it’s a simple fact. By instituting a proactive, preventive maintenance routine, you will avoid unplanned downtime, reduce costly risks and offset larger repair costs.
  3. Review your driver’s training. Safety has a major impact on your trucking business, and it starts with your drivers. Driver safety practices need continuous refreshers to ensure their safety, the safety of your fleet and reduction in risk and liability to your company.
  4. Prepare for the seasons (all four of them). With the changes of the seasons come special challenges for your fleet. Be sure you start this year with a plan to adjust for icy roads, the dog days of summer and every type of weather in between.
  5. Reinforce the dangers of distracted driving. Distracted driving is the cause of nine deaths and over 1,000 accidents each day in the United States. As reliance on apps and smartphone technology grows, it’s important to communicate a zero-tolerance policy to your drivers and remind your team to look for signs of distracted drivers sharing the roadways.
  6. Step up your tech game. If you haven’t started tapping into the power of technology, this year is a great time to start. Telematics software is an invaluable tool to assist in the running of your trucking operations. Rely on Telematics for real-time updates on weather and traffic, rapid repair services as well as a powerful digital reporting function that can keep your company protected from risk.
  7. Measure and reward more than last year. Using measurement and key business objectives to truly gain insight into your team’s performance, your fleet will always be working at its best. These insights will also allow you to reward the behavior you want to reinforce.

Next year looks to be a great one with the installation of one or all of these New Year’s Resolutions. Wiers Fleet Partners, with over five decades of experience, is ready to be your partner every step of the way next year and many years to come! Get started at today.


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