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Wiers Donates Bike to Life Skills Class at Plymouth High School

April 23, 2018


Wiers has been dedicated to donating to children’s charities and the Special Education Department at Plymouth high school has been the most recent recipient of their support.  The Life skills class has limited resources and budget to purchase all the necessary equipment to benefit their students.  The goal of this class is to support kids […]

Wiers has been dedicated to donating to children’s charities and the Special Education Department at Plymouth high school has been the most recent recipient of their support.  The Life skills class has limited resources and budget to purchase all the necessary equipment to benefit their students.  The goal of this class is to support kids with special needs and help them develop the skills necessary to live independently as adults.  When asked what would impact the most students, Life Skills teacher, Quinn Selner, said “a bike would be awesome”.  It’s not just any bike, but a custom bike designed specifically to provide therapeutic support to her students. Quinn gives greater detail on the value of this tool…….

“Learning to whistle, tying shoelaces, or turning a somersault are all childhood milestones every boy or girl wants to grasp because everyone else can do it. Learning to bike ride is one such rite of passage, but for those with special needs—each of which has a unique set of challenges to overcome like limited mobility, sensory difficulties, or communication/social deficiencies—the opportunity may not always present itself.

Learning to ride a bike strengthens kids with special needs physically. The exertion of the pedaling allows them to develop the leg muscle organization and endurance they might have lacked before. Bike riding can fine-tune motor skills and physical coordination as well as aid with balance.

Learning to ride a bike grows special needs kids mentally. As everyone experiencing the struggle knows, it takes focus to stay upright as he or she masters the task. Grasping the skill to bike ride also requires determination to carry through to the end.

As a result, learning to ride a bike reinforces children with special needs emotionally. Many such kids can attest to the sense of independence they gain as well as the accompanying feelings of freedom, pride, and accomplishment. Because they mastered the bike, they can now work hard to learn new things and have the confidence to succeed in other aspects of life.”

What most people may not know is that equipment for individuals with special needs is very expensive. The bike is made by Roger Terry in Bourbon, Indiana, who does it much more cost efficiently than it could be purchased elsewhere.

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